Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Your desire shall be for your husband, so the Bible records for us in Genesis 3:16.
These words are a part of the curse that God spoke over the woman as a penalty for her disobedience to God’s command.
The man and his wife had been warned: do not eat from this one tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. For, God said, in the same day, in the same hour, in the same moment that you eat of it, you shall die.
They did transgress and the consequences were immediate and terminal, they died, that is to say, their vital connection with the Source of their life, the Lord God their creator was forever severed.
Their physical existence would continue on for some time to come, but the sparkle was gone, from here on life would be little more than bare existence, it would bring trouble, discord and struggle.
Spiritual darkness descended on them and from that time on humanity would be shut up in this darkness.
Light and Life were lost due to disobedience, but humanity keeps frantically looking for it, because they know it (that Life) has got to be somewhere.
But where?
The tragedy of humanity is that they look and grope around in this thick darkness for something that is not even there, for death is absence of Life by definition.
Gen. 3:16 : “And to the woman God said: I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception, in sorrow you shall bring forth children, and your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you”.
Here we see that “….your desire shall be for your husband…” is part of the curse that God spoke over the woman.
In our meditation on this phrase we need to keep this foremost in mind, that the woman’s desire spoken of in this verse is not a blessing, but a part of the curse because of sin.
The question is: what would the woman desire from her husband? What would she be looking for in her husband?
I would submit, that her husband is looking for the same thing, not in his wife, but in other places, for instance, in his achievements.
So, what are they looking for?
The same what their descendants have looked for and are still looking for.
When any of us loose something of great value, we start looking for it to find it back. The greater the value of the loss, the more effort we put into finding it back.
By their disobedience Adam and his wife Eve lost Life, the Life of the Spirit within them, the lights had gone out, they were now cut off from the Source of light and life, the Lord God himself.
And yes, the Lord God did promise immediately that the day would come that Light and Life would return to this darkness in a day yet far in the future.
This Light and Life of the Spirit expressed itself in the garden in giving man a real sense of love, acceptance, value, peace, security, happiness, to name a few of the attributes of real Life.
But for now, man was left to his own resources to cope with life after loosing the real thing. And the search began for an acceptable substitute, something that would satisfy the longing for the real thing.
And where would the woman look for the substitute of the Life lost?
I would submit that she desired this Life from her husband, that he would give her what she was looking for: love, acceptance, value, security, etc., in short, the Life that is in the Spirit.
And she found that he could not give her much of anything and often it was conditional, you look after me and in return I will look after you.
The problem was that he, the husband no longer possessed this Life of the Spirit either and what you do not posses, you cannot share.
Besides, he was so busy trying to find these same values in his occupation, tending his crops, struggling to keep weeds and thistles under control.
He wanted so much to impress his wife with the results of his efforts, but the thistles were constantly opposing him.
What was he looking for? We know that already: love, acceptance, value, etc.
Exactly what his wife was looking for from him.
“…… Your desire shall be for your husband…….”.
Adam and Eve, our earliest ancestors and all their descendants after them have been looking for this Life that was lost on that fateful day when the fruit looked good and their appetite for it caused their downfall.
And humanity is still looking for this Life, looking for it in all the wrong places.
Man is looking for this Life everywhere, they call it something like the meaning of life, satisfaction, self-esteem, fulfillment, happiness and a number of other things.
But regardless of the term used, Life cannot be found in wealth, reputation, profession, family, or any other effort that man might engage in.
As God promised, Light and Life would one day return to this sin-darkened world in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And that will be the subject of the next issue of Reflections.
St. Thomas, Dec./’09. Simon VanderKooy.
At this time of year we again celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
He who himself is God, who humbled himself and was made in the likeness of man, Phil.2: 7.
John 1:4, 5 : “In him was life; and that life was the light of men.
And the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend
what it was that came to them, (free translation).
It is only by a work of the Holy Spirit in any one of us that we will begin (with emphasis on “begin”) to understand what this light of life is about.
“In him was (and is) life”.
Interesting that this message does not say: “In him was forgiveness of sin”.
Most of us believe that we need forgiveness of sin to enter heaven when we die.
The gospel of John, chapter 1: 1 – 18 speaks of “The Word of God who became like one of us, took on a human body and came to live among us”.
Why? For what reason?
Sins and forgiveness is not mentioned in this passage of Scripture at all.
What is mentioned is Light and Life and Grace and Truth.
And as many as received him, (Jesus) gave he (God) the privilege to become sons of God, born of him, not of the flesh or human will, but born of God.
Those who are born of God (born of the Spirit, John 3:5), have the Life of the Spirit.
The same Life that was lost when man first sinned in the garden of Eden.
This is the reason why Jesus came into the world, to bring Life where there was only death, death in sin and condemnation.
To bring Light where only darkness existed.
To restore relationship between God and the people he created.
Christmas must lead to Golgotha where the death of Jesus on the cross and his subsequent resurrection secured eternal Life for all those of us who received him.
And yes, the cross also dealt with the sin question, once for all.
The Life of the Spirit mentioned earlier, what does it look like?
Being born again, raised with Jesus to newness of life, (Rom.6: 4), what is that resurrection life, that Life in the Spirit, what is it like in daily experience?
Some random observations:
Resurrection Life is a present reality available for every believer, to experience it on a daily basis is dependent on what the child of God chooses to do, trust Father and his Word explicitly, or trust his/her own intelligence and ability more.
Resurrection Life flows from believing that I am joined spiritually to the Source of Life – God himself.
Resurrection Life flows from believing what God says, period.
Resurrection Life, this new Life is embodied in a Person, his name is Jesus Christ.
Resurrection Life is to know that in Jesus I am loved and accepted and that I have value.
Resurrection Life is to experience living by and out of the Father’s provision.
Resurrection Life is to know and to trust that victory over sin and self cannot be achieved, it can only be received from his Father hand, it is there for the asking.
Resurrection Life is living by and out of God’s grace, there are no pre-conditions except that I choose to accept his grace, after that there are no expectations to live up to or duties that I must fulfill.
Resurrection Life is like soaring on eagle’s wings above my circumstances, for I know and may trust that all these circumstances work for my good.
Resurrection Life is to rejoice in the assurance that I am in my Father’s presence all the time and that without fear. Or that he will never leave me or abandon me.
Resurrection Life is knowing and trusting that the evil One cannot touch me, my Father who rescued me, will always be my Shield and Protector.
Resurrection Life is to know and trust that it is God who sanctifies himself in me.
Resurrection Life is to have no expectations about life in heaven, except being in the physical presence of Jesus, the One who loves me and gave his life to make me his bride.
Father has planned a wedding day when his Son shall be joined to his bride, Halleluiah!
Resurrection Life is being dead, dead to the law of sin and dead to the world and alive to Jesus Christ who is my Life.
Resurrection Life is the freedom of knowing that in the day of judgment nothing will be laid to my charge, for the penalty for all my sin and sinfulness has been paid in full in my Lord Jesus Christ.
Resurrection Life is also the freedom of knowing that in that day there will be nothing to receive credit for, for there is not any good that I could have done except it had been done through Jesus Christ who is my Strength (my Life).
This Resurrection Life is characterized by peace, His peace, for He is our peace. Peace about hurts and guilt for sins in days gone by, peace in he challenges of today and peace for the uncertainties of tomorrow. Peace that is beyond human understanding or explanation.
This resurrection Life is beyond our comprehension, we can observe it in others, or experience its effect in our own life, but we cannot rationally explain it.
It remains a mystery, even to us to whom God has revealed the riches and the glory of this mystery, the mystery of “Christ in us, our hope (sure expectation) of glory”.
St.Thomas, Dec./’09. Simon VanderKooy.
The Abundant Life Testimony of Luis Palau
July 23, 2009
Since 1966 God has given me the privilege of traveling the world and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with hundreds of thousands of people. I have been thrilled to see people of all nationalities come into relationship with Jesus Christ and experience new life in Him.
But all this almost didn't happen. As a young man in Argentina, I was zealous for the Lord and His work. My friends and I spent nights in fasting and prayer and preached on street corners every chance we got. Yet few people responded to our message and we became tired and discouraged. Some of my friends dropped out of our all night prayer meetings. Others stopped going to church altogether. I hung in there--barely, but we all shared a sense of despair. "We've read the Bible, prayed all night and witnessed for Christ, but we still can't say 'no' to certain temptations. Either the Gospel doesn't work, or I'm such a sinner that God can't help me."
With that kind of thinking, how could I have gone on to serve the Lord with joy and excitement as I have done the past few decades? It is only because, God, in His grace, heard my cry and showed me the very truths that Dr. Charles Solomon presents in his book, Handbook to Happiness.
As Dr. Solomon so clearly presents, I first had to come to the very end of myself. I had gone to the United States to study at Multnomah Biblical Seminary. The school was very rigorous and demanding, but that wasn't the source of my troubles. I was still struggling to find more fruit in my personal spiritual life. I was frustrated in not being able to live out the lifestyle I saw in the godly men and women around me.
If I were to describe myself in those days, I would have to say that I was envious, jealous, preoccupied, self-centered, and ambitious to a wrong degree. I was smug about other speakers. That left me feeling mean and ugly and petty. No amount of wrestling with myself would rid me of those sins. And yet I tried. I felt despicable; l hated the idea of being a hypocrite. I wanted so desperately to be the person people thought I was.
In the midst of all this turmoil, one of my professors, Dr. George Kehoe, began each class with ... Galatians 2:20. Each morning he would quote: "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me " I found myself annoyed because I just couldn't get what it was that Dr. Kehoe meant--and what he had.
At my lowest point, just before Christmas break, Major Ian Thomas, founder of Torchbearers, spoke in our chapel service. He spoke powerfully about Moses and how it took that great man of God forty years in the wilderness to learn that he was nothing. Then one day, Moses was confronted with the burning bush. That bush was really nothing to speak of, but Moses had to take off his shoes. It was holy ground because GOD was in the bush. What God was telling Moses, I finally understood for myself. "I don't need a pretty bush or an educated bush or an eloquent bush. Any old bush will do as long as I am in the bush."
It suddenly hit me that I was that kind of bush. On my own, I could do nothing for God. Everything in my ministry--all my efforts were useless unless God was in me. Major Thomas went on to tell of Christian workers who failed at first because they thought they had something to offer God--that was me, all right. But God didn't use a person until he came to the end of himself. I knew that was right where I was.
When Major Thomas closed with Galatians 2:20, it all came together for me. My biggest spiritual struggle was finally over! I would let God be God and let Luis Palau depend on Him.
You can't imagine the release I felt as a result of that little chapel talk. I ran back to my room and fell to my knees in tears. In my native Spanish I cried out to God, "Lord, now I understand! I have been crucified with Christ--and yet I live! It's not what I'm going to do for You, but rather what You're going to do through me!"
That day marked the intellectual turning point in my spiritual life. The practical working out of that discovery would unfold, but at last the realization had come. It was exciting beyond words.
I soon discovered, however, that my struggles weren't unique. One way or another, many Christians live the way I lived all those years--whether they have tremendous emotional or psychological difficulties or not. They've given their hearts to Jesus, they love Him, but they can't seem to make the Christian life work the way they thought it was supposed to work. That's why, even though I've dedicated my life to preaching the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ, I also am equally dedicated to presenting the life-changing truths of the "exchanged life." I know the incredible difference "living by faith in the Son of God" makes.
This is an English Translation of Luis Palau's foreword to the Spanish edition of Handbook to Happiness (Hacia la Felicidad: Una Guia Biblica a la Vida en Cristo) by Charles R. Solomon. A Spanish portion is online at
Recently I was leafing through the pages of a church hymnal and I saw a number of “old treasures” that we never seem to hear anymore.
And yet the message is so timeless and profound that I have decided to copy some of them for this issue of Reflections.
Read these lines slowly and let the words penetrate your inner being.
Let these words minister peace, encouragement and inspiration.
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine, O what a foretaste of glory devine,
Heir of salvation purchase of God, Born of his Spirit, washed in his blood.
Perfect submission, perfect delight, Visions of rapture now burst on my sight,
Angels descending, bring from above, Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.
Perfect submission, all is at rest, I in my Savior am happy and blessed.
Watching and waiting, looking above, Filled with his goodness, lost in his love.
The law of the Spirit of life in Christ,
Has made me free,
I’m no more in bondage to sin and death,
For Jesus has justified me!
I’m a new creation, no more condemnation,
My tongue shall confess his nature in me,
He’s my salvation, my sanctification,
His Spirit’s my life and I am free!!
Author unknown.
More about Jesus would I know, More of his grace to others show,
More of his saving fulness see, More of his love who died for me.
More about Jesus let me learn, More of his holy will discern,
Spirit of God my teacher be, Showing the things of Christ to me.
More about Jesus in his Word, Holding communion with my Lord,
Hearing his voice in ev’ry line, Making each faithful saying mine.
More about Jesus on his Throne, Riches in glory all his own,
More of his Kingdom’s sure increase, More of his coming, Prince of Peace.
Dying with Jesus, by death reckoned mine, Living with Jesus, a new life devine,
Looking to Jesus till glory does shine, Moment by moment O Lord, I am thine.
Never a trial that he is not there, Never a burden that he does not bear,
Never a sorrow that he does not share, Moment by moment, I’m under his care.
Never a heartache, and never a groan, Never a teardrop and never a moan,
Never a danger but there on the throne, Moment by moment he thinks of his own.
Never a weakness that he does not feel, Never a sickness that he cannot heal,
Moment by moment in woe or in weal, Jesus my Savior, abides with me still.
Moment by moment I’m kept in his love, Moment by moment I’ve life from above,
Looking to Jesus till glory does shine, Moment by moment, O Lord, I am thine.
Take time to be holy, Speak oft with your Lord,
Abide in him always, And feed on his Word,
Make friends of God’s children, Help those who are weak,
Forgetting in nothing, His blessing to seek.
Take time to be holy, The world rushes on,
Spend much time in secret, With Jesus alone,
By looking to Jesus, Like him you shall be,
Your friends in your conduct, His likeness shall see.
Take time to be holy, Let him be your guide,
And run not before him, Whatever betide,
In joy or in sorrow, Still follow your Lord,
And looking to Jesus, Still trust in his Word.
Take time to be holy, Be calm in your Lord,
Each thought and each motive, Beneath his control,
Thus led by his Spirit, To fountains of love,
You soon will be fitted, For living above.
Take my life and let it be, Consecrated Lord to thee,
Take my hands and let them move, At the impulse of thy love.
Take my feet and let them be, Swift and beautiful for thee,
Take my voice and let me sing, Always, only for my King.
Take my silver and my gold, Not a mite would I withhold,
Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in ceaseless praise.
Take my will and make it thine, It shall be no longer mine,
Take my heart, it is thine own, It shall be thy royal throne.
A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord, A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord
A wonderful Savior to me, He takes my burden away,
He hides my soul in the cleft of the Rock, He holds me up and I shall not be moved,
Where rivers of pleasure I see He gives me strength for my day.
With numberless blessings each moment he crowns,
And filled with his fulness devine,
I sing in my rapture, O Glory to God,
For such a Redeemer as mine.
He hides my soul in the cleft of the Rock,
That shadows a dry, thirsty land,
He hides my life in the depths of his love,
And covers me there with his hand.
When peace like a river attendeth my way, When sorrows like seabillows roll,
Whatever my lot, you have taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul.
My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought, My sin not in part, but the whole,
Is nailed to his cross and I bear it no more, Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, O my soul.
And, Lord haste the day when faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll,
The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend, “Even so”, it is well with my soul.
St. Thomas, May / ’09. Simon VanderKooy.
When you die …., will you go to heaven?
This question was asked of a devout Christian recenly.
The person answered that question with: “I do not know”.
What gives a Christian, a child of God, assurance of salvation, any time, every time, all the time, even when the time of departure arrives?
For many it is one thing to believe that our sins are forgiven, it is often quite another to be assured that their God will receive them into his heavenly realms at the end of their earthly lives.
For others it is not difficult to believe that Jesus’ death on the cross covers everyone’s sins, except their own personal sins, those are too many and too great.
It is a life lived in anxiety and often dispair.
Why would this be? Why do so many children of God live their life in such near hopelessness and anxiety?
The answers to that question are many and varied and are different from one person to another. And yet these answers all have a common theme.
“I do not know if I am worthy”.
“How do I know that I will be counted with the sheep of Matt. 25, but I do not think that I will be”.
“I do not think that I did enough for God”.
What all these answers have in common is that the people who gave these answers have their focus on themselves and their own Christian performance.
Their focus is constantly on what we are supposed to do, what we actually do, what we have done (and failed to do) and they just know that all of it is insufficient in the eyes of God.
They know that a judgmentday is coming and that makes many a Christian cringe with fear.
All this makes some put even more frantic effort in their service for God and it robs them of rest and peace, because you never get to know when you have done enough.
It leaves a person tired, unfulfilled and empty, just the opposite of what the Christian life was supposed to bring.
For some this tale of desillusionment and frustration leads them to cry out to God: “THERE MUST BE A BETTER WAY!”
For them the Lord God has prepared a better way. A new way of living in fact.
It is a way of living that is not about doing, it is not about me and my level of performance for God.
It is not about doing, it is about believing. Believing what the Bible says about Jesus.
Believing, unconditionally accepting what God tells us about his Son Jesus.
Like, John 5:24, “He that hears my word and BELIEVES on him that sent me, has everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but has passed from death unto life”.
Or I John 5:13, “These things have I written unto you that BELIEVE on the Name of the Son of God, that you may KNOW that you have eternal life ……”.
The Christian life is ALL about what Jesus Christ has done and NOT at all what we have done or do.
Jesus gave believers the gift of righteousness, right (clean, pure and holy) relationship with our God and Father and that is enough, it is sufficient for time and eternity.
And all that despite some sins and sinful habits that still cling to us.
This new way of living also means that we may offer these sins to our Father in confession and (again) his Word tells us in I John 1:9 that he is faithful to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness.
Also the Holy Spirit will make us aware of any lingering unrighteousness, so that again we may apply I John 1:9 to that situation.
This new way of living will not necessarily be a walk in the park, the transformation that the Holy Spirit accomplishes as we yield ourselves to the Lord in all things is often painfull. Letting go of our former independent, self-sufficient way of living is something we would avoid, but that is the way our Father would conform us to the image of his Son Jesus Christ.
In his hour of greatest fear and agony he said: “Father, not my desires, but your will ……
But no matter how great the storms of this new life, we will have peace in the midst of these storms, because we trust, we know who is at the helm and he will safely direct this ship through stormy waters to a safe shore.
When all this becomes established in our thinking, then the good works will follow.
Not because we believe that we are commanded to do so.
No, now these works will be a result of the new nature that is ours in Jesus Christ our Lord.
These works will just come naturally, we’ll just do them.
Not for our own benefit, not for God, not to gain God’s favor, we’ll just do them.
When I die ……., will I go to heaven?
Most certainly, but not because I cleaned myself up or the things I have done for God.
No, it’s because of what Jesus did in obedience to his Father, of which I am a beneficiary.
His death and resurrection has provided a new way of living for me.
A life, not of working, but a life of resting, resting in the finished work of Jesus, my Savior, my Lord and my Life.
St.Thomas, March/’09. Simon VanderKooy.
JOHN 15:5. Jesus said that he is the vine, we are the branches, and without our abiding in him, we can do nothing.