Believe ….. that God is not only near us, but in us and more importantly, that we are in
Jesus, who is in the Father, a mysterious, but inseparable union.
Believe ….. that our temporal and eternal security rest on our union with Jesus by his
grace only. And that good works, however noble, do not enter this picture.
Believe ….. that ALL our sins are ALREADY forgiven.
Believe ….. that the blood of Jesus WAS shed for a complete remission of ALL our sins.
Believe ….. that New Testament believers are asked to CONFESS their sins and that
our Father has promised to do the cleansing.
Believe …. that Jesus is our Savior and our very life and not just an example for us to
Believe ….. that being in Christ, we are the very offspring of God, we are no longer
sinners, but children, saints of God.
Believe …... that our Father rejoices in his children at all times.
Believe ….. that righteousness is a gift we receive by grace, and not something we
achieve by righteous living.
Believe ….. our Father when he says that he will remember our sins no more.
Believe ….. that when Jesus died, we being in him, we really and truly died as well.
Believe ….. that when Jesus rose from the grave, that we, having been immersed in his
death and burial, that we now also fully participate in his resurrection.
Believe ….. that we, having been reconciled by Jesus’ death, now continue to be saved
by his life and not by doing righteous deeds.
Believe ….. That eternal life is not a promise for future realization, but a present reality
for every believer.
Believe ….. that when God says that he will never leave us or abandon us, he also
really means what he says.
Believe ….. that the Holy Spirit is not the One who empowers believers, but that he IS
the power, working mightily IN the believers.
Believe ….. that we, God’s children, have BEEN delivered from ALL the tyranny of the
Believe ….. and understand that our Father has ordained that his children would fail at
living the Chr. life, so that we, his dear children would come to see the utter
futility of living this life FOR him, and instead cast ourselves on Father’s
mercy and allow him to live this life through us.
Believe ….. that we will only find peace, God’s peace, when we surrender our feeble
efforts at self-sanctification, self-improvement by asking Father to do in
us, what we are completely unable to do ourselves.
Believe ….. that a loving Father would be grieved when his children choose death
rather than life, when they gratify the flesh.
Believe ….. and understand that God never redeemed his people with an eye to what
those redeemed people might do for him, but with an eye to what he might
do IN them.
Believe ….. that Jesus stands at the door of believer’s hearts and stands there asking to
be let inside, Rev. 3 : 20.
Believe ….. that God’s grace is so complete and all-encompassing and our in-ability so
absolute, that there is nothing in his Kingdom that we might earn, even by
our greatest efforts.
Believe ….. that our Father IS our provision for all things spiritual, for all things
emotional and for all things physical.
Believe ….. that our natural birth was not by our choosing and that the same holds true
for our spiritual or second birth. We are also unable to undo either birth.
Believe ….. there is nothing we can do to earn God’s favor or blessings.
Believe ….. that we can do nothing to make God love us more and that we can do
nothing to make him love us less.
Believe ….. that God’s blessings are not a sign of his favor, they are a sign of his mercy.
May believing these truths gleaned from the Scriptures help us to find the reality of rest, peace, God’s grace and mercy and all the fruit of the Spirit.
St. Thomas, May/’10. Simon VanderKooy.
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