Sunday, March 27, 2011



Since my life is hidden with Christ in God (Col.3:3), the devil cannot touch me.

I John 5:18 We know that no one who is born of God sins, but he who is born of God, God keeps him and the evil one does not touch him.

Since the devil cannot touch me, he will attempt to deceive or intimidate me by planting thoughts of unbelief in my mind through my 5 senses.

I Peter 5:8, 9a ….. the devil as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour (deceive). Whom resist steadfast in the faith …..

Who am I?

Since I am born of God, (John 1 : 13), I am a son/daughter of God.

And Jesus is my elder brother.

I am the apple of my Father’s eye, Zech.2:8 ….. he that touches you, touches the apple of his eye.

I am the sheep the Shepherd carries on his shoulders, he that would harm me, first has to deal with the Shepherd, my Savior and Protector.

I am forever secure in my relationship with my Father, who is my Life, my Provider, my all-sufficiency, my everything.

Whatever I believe the Scriptures say about the devil, he can only deceive or intimidate me to the extend that I am unsure of who I am in Christ.

Hosea 4:6 ….. my people are destroyed, (perish, gone into captivity) for the lack of knowledge ….. , untrue traditions that I would hold on to are just as deadly.

The “thief” of John 10 : 10 is sin, self, law and lastly, the devil, in that order.

God’s people ascribe authority and power to the devil to the extend that they fail to trust their God.

Jesus says: you cannot serve 2 masters …..

We either worship the devil by fearing him, ascribing power to him and speaking to him in our prayers,


we worship our Father by trusting him implicitly at all times, no matter what circumstances we encounter.

St. Thomas, Oct. ’10. Simon vanderKooy.

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