Saturday, January 24, 2009


December, 2008.

Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given. And the government shall be upon his shoulders……..

With the birth of Jesus, God made good on his promise made to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. A promise that he reminded his people of throughout the history of the Old Testament.
The birth of Jesus meant the the reality of the fulfilment of all those promises made in days of old.
It meant the demonstration of God’s absolute faithfulness concerning his people.
Jesus Christ, by whom all things were created.
Who became as one of us, so much so that he was not recognized as being supernatural, even by his peers.
And yet he is Almighty God.
He is an everlasting Father.
He is the Prince of Peace.
In him all the promises of God find their fulfillment.
He is the sufficient One, for both time and eternity.
Of his kingdom and dominion there shall be no end.
He saves his people from their sins.
He saves his people from themselves.
He saves his people from slavery to the law of sin and death.
He is the comforter to those who mourn.
He heals the broken hearted.
He gives sight to the blind.
And makes the lame to walk.
He makes the deaf hear the sound of birds.
He is able to bind the strong man of false beliefs who would keep us captive slaves.
He is our breastplate of righteousness.
He is the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, the girdle of truth.
In him our sin, not in part, but the whole,
Was nailed to his cross and we bear it no more…..
We have been made free, for the Son became sin for us.
We have freedom for the asking and he will not turn away…..
Freedom from powers and principalities……
Freedom from the stranglehold of rejection.
Freedom from the torment of un-forgiveness.
Freedom from the bondage of addiction.
Freedom from the hell of having been abused, whatever the form of it.
Freedom from the pit of guilt.
Freedom from the chains of depression.
Freedom from the mental torment of any of these powers of this dark world.
Powers that would possess our life and thoughts, often all day and all night.

Christmas is the dawn of a new day.
He came so that we might have new life, not an improved version of the old life,
A new Life, and that we might have that new life in abundance.

…….For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of peace.
Of the increase of his government and of peace there shall be no end…….(Isaiah 9:6, 7.)

On a personal note, may you all enjoy a Blessed Christmas 2008 and may the year 2009 be a year of prosperity in all respects, especially a year in which you may experience the reality of the Life that is to be found only in the Lord Jesus Christ.

St. Thomas, Dec./’08.

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