Friday, January 9, 2009


November 7, 2007

……And the angel said : “Come with me and I will show you the Bride, the Lamb’s wife, Rev.21 : 9.

And what a beauty she is.

She is the creation of Almighty God, she is new, the old has passed away, ALL things have become new, II Cor. 5 : 17.

She is born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, BUT OF GOD, John 1 ; 13.

She is a partaker of the divine, eternal nature of God, II Peter 1 : 4.

The Lord her God who dwells in her is mighty, He saved her, He rejoices over her with great joy, He rests in his love for her, for everything that needed doing to prepare her for her lofty, eternal calling has been accomplished in her and for her, Zeph. 3 : 17.

She is crucified with Christ, in his death is where she died and her former self, the old man has passed away, nevertheless she lives, and yet not she, it is Christ who lives in her and she now is a living partaker of that LIFE that is only to be found in Christ, Gal. 2 : 20.

She is a member of his body, of his flesh , and of his bones.
He is her head and her Savior.
He sanctified and cleansed her and presented her to himself not having any spot or wrinkle, she truly is holy and without blemish, Eph. 5 : 23, 27, 30.

The word of God calls her a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, called into being to show the praises, the magnificence of Him who brought her out of darkness into his marvelous light, I Peter 2 : 9.

It is she in whom are manifested al the fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance, Gal. 5 : 22/23.

It is she who God himself took from among the heathen, he gathered her together from among all nations from all over the earth and brought her into her own land. A safe country, the Kingdom of God where the KING rules and the enemy of her soul has no jurisdiction.
He, the KING, sprinkled clean water upon her and cleansed her from all her filthiness and idolatry.
He, the KING, gave her a new heart and put a new spirit within her. He also took away the stony heart out of her flesh. She now has a heart of flesh.
On top of all that the King put his own Spirit within her who will cause her, (see to it) that she will walk in the ways of the Lord, to keep his commandments and do them.
He, the KING, also promised her that she would dwell safely in the land that he gave her, that she is HIS personal possession and that he will be forever faithful to be her God.,
Ez. 36 : 24 – 28.

He, the KING, has kept his promise that he would not always chide, or keep up his anger forever, or deal with her according to her sins, or even make her bear the consequences of her iniquities.
For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward her.
Her transgressions, which were many has he removed from her as far as the east is from the west, Ps. 103 : 10 – 12.

Even the law of ordinances, which served to cause a heavy burden of guilt, even to condemn her, in any case was contrary to her, has been taken out of the way, having been nailed to his, Jesus’ cross, Col. 2 : 14.

So much so that to her Christ has become the end of the law for obtaining righteousness, for in that He fulfilled the law, Rom. 10 : 4.
Those ordinances, which were against her at one time , have now become his promises to her, in that he, the KING, has put his Spirit within her to cause her to walk in his ways, to keep his commandments and to do them.

Since she is born of God, she does not even commit sin; for the seed of God remains in her and she cannot sin, because she is born of God, I John 3 : 9.
This is one of the “better promises” of the New Covenant that replaced the Old or First Covenant, Hebr. 8 : 6.
The first Adam was also born of God. Luke 3 : 38 says that he was a son of God.
That Father/Son relationship was broken when he chose disobedience.
For the bride that is no longer possible.
She may at times, be out of fellowship, but that will not change the relationship.
(All this does not serve to propagate “sinless perfection “ on the part of the believer, while he/she passes through this life here on this earth. That however, is a different subject that needs to be discussed under a separate heading.)

She is also an overcomer, for in her death with her Lord she overcame the beast, his image, his mark, and the number of his name, Rev. 15 : 3.
This ugly mark, which signifies the power of the law of sin to which she was a slave, a beast that completely controlled her life. So much so that her very life depended on this allegiance.
This beastly nature caused her to be an independent, self-centered, self-indulgent person.
The old (self) has passed away, all things have become new, she now is a partaker, joint heir, of the divine nature, the very nature of the Lamb, II Cor. 5 : 17.
She now bears the name of the Lamb in her forehead, Rev. 22 : 4.

All the foregoing may seem utopian, the dreams of a fantastic dreamer who removed all boundaries from his imagination.
And when we allow ourselves to be guided by human wisdom, that which we observe with our own eyes, yes, then all this is truly out of this world.
And in all truthfulness, it certainly is out of this world, because it is not of this world.
The legal status of this young woman, who the Scriptures call “The Bride”, is no longer a citizen of this world, she is a citizen of a heavenly kingdom, the Kingdom of God.
She is in this present world, but she is no longer of this world, John 15 : 19.
She is also a present reality, defying human wisdom, which cannot grasp the things of the Spirit, for those realities are spiritually discerned, I Cor. 2 : 14.

“Beloved, NOW are we the sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be;
(we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us, II Cor. 4 : 7), but we know that when he shall appear, ( in us, as his instruments of mercy) we shall be like him, ( being a demonstration of His nature) and we shall observe Him as He is, II John 3 : 2”.
Most of us, if not all of us have at one time or another met such a human “angel”, someone who just personified the love and compassion of the Lord Jesus Christ.

…….And the Angel said: “Come, and I will show you the Bride, the Lamb’s wife…….”.

And how beautiful she is, altogether lovely.
She is Almighty God’s creation, with the purpose to display His majesty.
When she makes herself available to Him, as a living sacrifice, even in this present earthly existence, then we see a demonstration of her true, divine nature.

And by God’s choosing and grace I may count myself to be a living member of the Bride, the Lamb’s wife. And since that is so, I may in awe and wonderment accept that what the Word says about the Bride, I may also apply to myself.
When the Holy Spirit revealed the reality of these truths to me, it was like the dawning of a new and glorious day when the early rays of the sun are reflected a thousand times in the dew drops in the trees and bushes of a garden.

St. Thomas,
April 2007.

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