This time, in order to provide some variety to Reflections, may I copy for you some notes, quotes and studynotes which I collected from speeches, seminars and study courses from a variety of authors in no particular order.
These quotes are mainly from the following authors: Dr. Edwin Louis Cole of The Chr. Men’s Network, Rev. Kelly Varner of N.Carolina, Dr. James Stone of Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Mr. Don E. Higgins of Kitchener, ON.
#. Truth about oneself is always unacceptable,
Except by devine revelation.
# God puts no limitation on faith,
Faith puts no limitation on God.
# Facing reality is the first step towards change in a person’s life.
# Human nature will oppose anything that is not properly understood.
# Repentance is the pivotal point between ruin and reconcilliation.
# Humility precedes blessing, pride goes before a fall.
# The heart of men is corrupt beyond measure, there is no cure, Jer.17:9.
It is like a tree that produces corrupt fruit, it must be cut down.
In the death of Jesus, God provided for the death of that tree, the tree being me.
# Everything in the Kingdom of God is positive.
# The spirit of the Kingdom is peace.
# All the principles of the Bible are the keys of the Kingdom.
# All the characteristics of the Kingdom emanate from the character of the King.
# The Kingdom of God is the purpose of God.
# The Kingdom of God is a present reality.
# The Kingdom of God is present wherever He is recognized as Lord and
# The glory of the King are the citizens of His Kingdom.
# Man enters the Kingdom by way of repentance.
# “Crown of Life”, Jas.1 vs.12:
It’s the life that is a crown,
It is the overcoming, reigning life,
It is Christ’s life,
A life that follows death, death to self,
It is resurrection Life,
This life is not “my” life – it is “His” Life,
And forever remains “His” Life.
Through His grace He has made me a partaker of His Life,
Which in truth is eternal Life.
# God judged us worthy of salvation and proved it in the person of His Son Jesus Christ.
# The Christian’s inheritance: The fullness of God in him/her.
# The life of the Spirit is always beyond what we are capable of.
# The purpose of divine reconcilliation is to restore agreement with God.
# Sin always promises to serve and to please,
But its desire is to enslave and dominate.
# Behind every excuse hides a lack of desire.
# Pride is the backbone of hostility.
# Doubt breeds fear, fear causes failure.
# Rejection leads to un-forgiveness, bitterness, anger, hatred, rebellion, depression and ultimately, suicide.
# When we loose sight of Jesus, it is usually because all we see are our circumstances and we listen to people.
# Christians are pre-destined to be conformed to the glorious image of the Lord Jesus Christ.
# God’s blessings are not a sign of His favor,
They are a sign of His mercy.
Difficulties in the life of believers are not a sign of God’s dis-favor,
Those too, are a sign of His mercy.
For He would use our embrace of these troubles in His process to conform us to the image of His Son Jesus Christ.
# The fruit of one’s lips determines the work God has done on one’s behalf.
# A man will not call on God untill his need is greater than himself.
# What a Christian believes about himself will determine how he experiences life.
When he believes he is a sinner, he will act like a sinner.
For a Christian to believe he is a sinner is to effectively deny the all-sufficiency of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. And that is sin!
When a Christian believes he is a saint, he will live like a saint.
He will rejoice in the fact that resurrection life is a present reality.
# Faith is an attitude of the heart, not an exercise of the mind.
# Victorious living requires self-discipline.
# Prevention is easier than rehabilitation.
# Little love translates into much law.
Much love translates into little law.
# The inheritance of the saints is to reign with Christ in this life and the life hereafter. Delivered from the power of darkness and having been translated into the Kingdom of Light, Col. 1:12.
# The love of the truth is the criteria of spirituality.
# The hatred of evil is proportional to the quality of our love for God.
# Some paradoxes of the Christian life:
Life comes out of death.
Victory is the result of surrender.
Receiving is the result of giving.
Strength follows the admission of weakness.
Wholeness comes after brokeness.
Joy comes after sorrow.
# G.R.A.C.E. = God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.
St. Thomas, May ’08.
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